A New Year

Every year everything I have ever learned in my lifetime 

leads back to this: the fires and the black river of loss whose other side 

is salvation, whose meaning none of us will ever know.  

To live in this world you must be able to do three things: 

to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go,  

to let it go.  - Mary Oliver

I'm not really one for New Years Resolutions, but I love having the chance to reflect on the past year and to set intentions for the coming one.  Sometimes life moves so quickly that we don't take the time to reflect, learn, and wonder.  There is something beautiful and cyclical about a new year, and a fresh start.

2013 was by far one of the hardest, and simultaneously best, years of my life.  It's hard to understand how that can be true, but it is.  Being diagnosed with Lyme Disease and struggling through the treatment was challenging in ways I never could have imagined. I learned so much about myself this year, and had some humbling and scary moments.  There was also so much love, laughter, adventure, and amazing times with friends and family.  

I am looking forward to more of everything in 2014.  More healing, getting outside, YOGA, sleeping under the stars, and feeling good in my body.  More love and time spent with friends and family.  More growing, learning, and challenging myself.  More cuddling and loving and laughing together.  More supporting and championing the causes and dreams of those around me.  More making and creating and art and dedicated, passionate work.

I hope that this year brings you everything that you dream of and more.  You certainly deserve it.

Happy New Year!



P.S. this is a round up of some of my favorite moments from 2013, in no particular order.



Bend Trip

We recently took a little trip over to Bend with a group of friends in honor of Hazels birthday.  We rented a house, cooked delicious food, drank beers, hot tubbed, and went for a magical hike at Smith Rock State Park.  I love Eastern Oregon; the smell of sagebrush and juniper, the dry, cold air.  It's so different from the coast, and so beautiful because of it.

 Here are a few photos of our adventure.  And a huge shout out to Caroline for organizing this awesome gathering!  If you're ever in the Columbia Gorge Area stop by Thunder Island Brewing Company and sample their tasty beers!

 Happy holidays everyone!  XOXO.


Holiday Open House!

Recently I had my annual Holiday Open House.  It's become such a fun tradition, a great chance to sell jewelry directly to folks for the holidays, open up my space to the public, and enjoy the company of family, friends and customers.  I really enjoy setting up my displays and getting our house/studio in the festive holiday mood (I even went out and picked some holiday greenery for bouquets!)  My amazing mother made delicious holiday treats, and we had mulled wine and spiced cider.  There was a great turn out, and as always I was touched by the support and encouragement from my community.  Thanks to those of you who came out!  And happy (almost holiday) weekend to you all.




The last couple of weeks has mostly found me inside working like a madwoman.  So, since I can't be out adventuring right now, I thought I'd share a few photos from the last couple of months that hadn't made it up on the blog yet.

Recently we went rock fishing in my brothers boat on a blue bird day with unusually calm seas.  It was freezing cold but we had a blast, and caught a few fish for the freezer as well!  Justin and I also ventured down the coast to Oceanside to run an errand and had a great day exploring the beach and getting lunch.

Enjoy the photos, and I hope you're all staying warm!



A Few Thoughts on Balance and Worrying


Lately I've been thinking a lot about balance.  Balance between work and play, between maintaining friendships and spending time alone, between family and relationships.  Like most people I struggle with trying to balance the various parts of my life, and sometimes I worry that I'm not doing a very good job.  

I worry that I'm not being a good friend to the people who matter to me.  

I worry that I'm not working hard enough or to my potential.  

I worry that by frequently declining social invitations I will isolate myself and end up friendless and alone.

 I worry that I don't spend enough time with my family, the people who mean the most to me.  

Worry is such a persistent, mean little bugger.  It gets into your head and refuses to get out, and as we all know, it isn't particularly constructive.  At the same time, I believe that there is a lot I can learn about myself and life in general by wrestling with these issues.    It is humbling, frustrating, and hard at times, but I am slowly learning to be kind to myself, and to be ok with everything not feeling neat and tidy all the time.  Life in my late twenties feels a lot more complicated than when I was 19 (I know, I know, big surprise there:) but I wouldn't trade any of what I have now for those care free days.

 I am so grateful for all of it, even the hard and messy parts.  

I hope you're all having a great week and enjoying the chilly winter weather!  
Thanks for reading dears.