Around the Studio/House


This time of year is especially busy for me with the holidays coming up.  I've been spending a lot of time at my work desk hammering, twisting and assembling jewelry. Packaging, answering emails, and attending to my Etsy shop also keeps me quite busy as well.  Our house is cozy and warm, and I love turning on the radio in the morning, making a cup of tea, and sitting down with the days To-Do List.   Here are a few images from around our house/studio these days.  Happy Monday kids!



The Golden Hour


A few days ago Justin and I went out for a walk on one of our favorite beaches.  It was that delicious golden hour at sunset when the light changes and everything seems to glow and sparkle and shimmer.  We've been having totally glorious weather lately - crisp blue skies, a still, flat ocean, and a bracingly cold wind.  The air smells like wood-smoke, frost, and the sea.  I've been feeling SO much better lately, and sometimes I am reminded that just walking without hurting is a miracle of sorts.  It's funny how we don't notice the absence of pain as much as the pain itself.   On this day I relished fully all of the sensations of being outside, the joy of my legs moving quickly, the smell and feel of the cold wind against my face.  It was a beautiful evening.  But don't take my word for it, check out the photos and decide for yourself.


Roots & Wings Holiday Open House 2013

It's that time of year again!  I'm getting ready for my annual Holiday Open House, and I hope you can join me.  It's a great chance to find that perfect holiday gift (or something for yourself), mingle with folks, and enjoy some delicious holiday treats and beverages.  Hope to see you there!  

Final Xmas Show '13061.jpg

New Necklaces

I recently created a couple of new designs that I'm really excited about!  They feature turquoise and red, one of my favorite color combos.  These necklaces are so unique and pretty I almost don't want to part with them:)  Stop by my shop and check 'em out!


Fall Happenings


Fall in the northwest is one of my favorite times of year.  There's this wonderful in-between-ness to it, a different quality to the slant of the light, the smell of decay and crispness in the air.  It's a time of shorter days, first rains, fires in the wood stove, mushroom hunting, and salmon.  

We had an especially glorious October this year full of perfect blue sky days and I've finally been feeling well enough to take advantage of it (!)  Unexpected visits from friends, beach time with a certain sweet little one, chanterelles, and a harvest festival were just a few highlights of the last couple months.  Not to mention work - LOTS of work.  The few months leading up to the holidays is by far my busiest time of year so if you need me I'll be at my jewelry desk working away like one of Santas' elves.

I don't want to give the impression that it's all roses and unicorns over here either.  I've had my share of struggles and hard days in the past couple of months.  I feel like I have so much to learn about myself still, and some of that learning is painful and hard to face.    Still, I try to remember that it's all just part of this beautiful, crazy thing we call life and I try to take the bad with the good.

I hope fall has brought positive changes into your life and that you are happy and healthy.  




