

Virginia is for Lovers

I returned from Virginia feeling grateful and refreshed.  The trip was lovely, full of old friends and new, Southern charm, a farmers market, and a gorgeous, intimate wedding bursting at the seams with love.  To quote my dear friend Addie on weddings: "I love love."  And it's so true!  It's such an honor to be a part of someones wedding, one of the ultimate symbols of love in our culture.  It makes me feel hopeful, inspired, and generally all warm and fuzzy inside.


Off to Virginia!

I am heading to Charlottesville, VA this weekend to attend my dear friend Frances' wedding (check out her awesome yoga blog!).  I am so excited to be going on a trip, and I look forward to visiting a new place, reuniting with old friends, and being a part of what I am sure will be a love-filled, beautiful union. Look for photos and stories when I return.

Until then, have a great weekend!


Fall in California: Big Fish and Even Bigger Trees

There is something immensely liberating about packing the basics into your car (or in this case a super sweet, tricked out van) and heading out on the road.  No planned destination, nowhere to be, music drifting out the open windows and the world whizzing by.  Road trips, they're where it's at.

This particular adventure was hatched for the purpose of attending a dear friends wedding in Northern CA (more on that later), and we figured why not make it an excuse for some coastal wandering.  The wedding weekend was spent with friends and family, cooking and eating copious amounts of amazing food (can you say salmon burgers with homemade aioli, cherry tomatoes and avocado?  Yum!), and generally reveling in each others company.

After the festivities were over, The Photographer and I headed up the coast seeking new sights, waves, and photos.  I've driven this section of coast many times, but rarely have I given myself the luxury of being able to stop frequently and take detours, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

We spent a night camped amidst towering redwoods, followed by a first-thing-in-the-morning dive into a radiantly clear creek.  We surfed, including a perfect near-dark evening session, the water so glassy it appeared oily and pink as the sun sank into the ocean.  We spent a golden late afternoon scampering around on the tidal beds of an exquisite sandstone bay, snapping photos and taking in the sunshine.  We stopped to visit family, took photos, ate more amazing food, stopped to take more photos, enjoyed a few hikes, and generally had a ball.  Overall it was a rejuvenating, inspiring trip, and a perfect way to kick off my self-employed lifestyle.

Enjoy the photos!

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Fall in California: A Sneak Peak

As you may have guessed, we've returned from our California adventure and are enjoying settling back into work and play in our cozy little home.  As always I've been a bit busy and haven't been able to get to editing and processing the 1,000 plus photos I took. Still, I figured the least I could do was let you know I was alive and share a little sneak peek of everything we did, saw, and ate.  It was a wonderful and rejuvenating trip, full of friends, family, good food, surfing, and beautiful places.  I hope you're having a wonderful fall so far.  Enjoy the images!


Bon Voyage!

We're heading out on a short little jaunt to Northern California for a friend's wedding this weekend!  Figured we might as well make a working trip out of it...make some photos, hug some redwoods, sleep outside.  I'm also sort of considering it a celebratory "I'm self-employed and can do whatever I want!" trip....that is until I have to come home and get back to work of course;).  In the meantime I'll be closing my Etsy shop, and will probably be pretty silent in this space as well.  I look forward to sharing photos and stories when we return! Have a great week!