

Off to Virginia!

I am heading to Charlottesville, VA this weekend to attend my dear friend Frances' wedding (check out her awesome yoga blog!).  I am so excited to be going on a trip, and I look forward to visiting a new place, reuniting with old friends, and being a part of what I am sure will be a love-filled, beautiful union. Look for photos and stories when I return.

Until then, have a great weekend!


Fall in California: A Sneak Peak

As you may have guessed, we've returned from our California adventure and are enjoying settling back into work and play in our cozy little home.  As always I've been a bit busy and haven't been able to get to editing and processing the 1,000 plus photos I took. Still, I figured the least I could do was let you know I was alive and share a little sneak peek of everything we did, saw, and ate.  It was a wonderful and rejuvenating trip, full of friends, family, good food, surfing, and beautiful places.  I hope you're having a wonderful fall so far.  Enjoy the images!