
My Creations, Press and Features

Lila Blog Feature/Collaboration!

Picture 15One of my favorite blogs to follow these days is that of my dear friend Frances.  Frances is a friend from my college days in Colorado and she's one of those interesting, talented, beautiful people who are so fun to be around.  These days Frances is making her stand in Colorado with her husband Thad.  Her blog Lila beautifully chronicles her struggles and successes in a life centered around her yoga practice, delicious healthy food, creativity, and wellness.   I have learned so much from her, and admire her discipline and joy. Why am I telling you all of this you ask?  Well, recently Frances and I teamed up and Roots & Wings Jewelry is now sponsoring Lilablog!  She wrote a beautiful post introducing me to her readers, which made my week.  Check it out here, and be sure to check out the rest of her posts and follow her!  You won't be dissapointed.

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Fall in California: Big Fish and Even Bigger Trees

There is something immensely liberating about packing the basics into your car (or in this case a super sweet, tricked out van) and heading out on the road.  No planned destination, nowhere to be, music drifting out the open windows and the world whizzing by.  Road trips, they're where it's at.

This particular adventure was hatched for the purpose of attending a dear friends wedding in Northern CA (more on that later), and we figured why not make it an excuse for some coastal wandering.  The wedding weekend was spent with friends and family, cooking and eating copious amounts of amazing food (can you say salmon burgers with homemade aioli, cherry tomatoes and avocado?  Yum!), and generally reveling in each others company.

After the festivities were over, The Photographer and I headed up the coast seeking new sights, waves, and photos.  I've driven this section of coast many times, but rarely have I given myself the luxury of being able to stop frequently and take detours, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

We spent a night camped amidst towering redwoods, followed by a first-thing-in-the-morning dive into a radiantly clear creek.  We surfed, including a perfect near-dark evening session, the water so glassy it appeared oily and pink as the sun sank into the ocean.  We spent a golden late afternoon scampering around on the tidal beds of an exquisite sandstone bay, snapping photos and taking in the sunshine.  We stopped to visit family, took photos, ate more amazing food, stopped to take more photos, enjoyed a few hikes, and generally had a ball.  Overall it was a rejuvenating, inspiring trip, and a perfect way to kick off my self-employed lifestyle.

Enjoy the photos!

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California Road Trip Part 2: Highway One

We decided early on that we wanted to allot a few days to spend driving the notoriously narrow and winding roads of Highway One between Fort Bragg and San Francisco.  I'm so glad we did because this ended up being one of my favorite parts of the trip. Part of what makes this section of coastline so magical is that it isn't easy to get to.  The road is almost comically curvy and narrow at times and the only way to get there is to hope you don't get carsick and take it slow.  Because of this there is hardly anyone there.  I, being a small town girl, loved this!

We drove through many tiny, slightly run down towns that looked like they hadn't changed much in the last fifty years.  Crumbling old buildings weathered by salt air and time.  Rolling green hills, eucalyptus, climbing nasturtiums, falling-down split cedar fences, wildflowers and cliffs.

One of my favorite things about this section of the trip was the local architecture.  I wanted to buy, or just knock on the door and ask to move into, almost every other house we passed.  I have been building a "dream house" in my mind for a few years now and it was like the people of Northern California had somehow seen my blueprint and then improved upon it.  There were so many dreamy houses built of weathered split cedar shakes with whimsical details, domes, spires, stained glass and curved roofs.  And to top it all off many of them had big vegetable gardens, old barns, acres of land and separate little outbuildings (one of my all time favorite things!).

We spent the better part of a morning exploring a really lovely secret beach that I had been to years before.  You have to know that it's there to find it, leave the road at an old Inn, hike through a meadow of wildflowers and climb down a cliff.  Many years ago a building (the story I heard was some kind of factory) crumbled into the sea, and as a result the beach is full of many colored chunks of sea glass, shards of pottery, and rusted, twisted pieces of metal that have fused into the rocks.  The tide pools, aquamarine water and wildflowers weren't too bad as well.

The town of Mendocino was one of my other favorite stops.  We spent a morning writing in a sweet coffee shop and an afternoon riding our bikes around the neighborhoods in a heavy mist ogling dreamy houses and gardens.  We had drinks at the divey local bar where the regulars dogs sprawled on the beer-stained floor and begged for a head scratch from the patrons, then devoured delicious seafood for dinner.  The next day was bluebird sunny and we parted ways for a few hours and wandered around, cameras in hand, each in a bit of a sun-struck happy daze.  Bright colors, ocean, sunshine, camera in hand-what more do you need?!  I was in heaven.

All in all this portion of the trip was quite magical.  If you ever have the chance to explore this part of the coast don't hesitate!

Next up, big city adventures in San Francisco.

Stay tuned.