blog feature

My Creations, Press and Features

Lila Blog Feature/Collaboration!

Picture 15One of my favorite blogs to follow these days is that of my dear friend Frances.  Frances is a friend from my college days in Colorado and she's one of those interesting, talented, beautiful people who are so fun to be around.  These days Frances is making her stand in Colorado with her husband Thad.  Her blog Lila beautifully chronicles her struggles and successes in a life centered around her yoga practice, delicious healthy food, creativity, and wellness.   I have learned so much from her, and admire her discipline and joy. Why am I telling you all of this you ask?  Well, recently Frances and I teamed up and Roots & Wings Jewelry is now sponsoring Lilablog!  She wrote a beautiful post introducing me to her readers, which made my week.  Check it out here, and be sure to check out the rest of her posts and follow her!  You won't be dissapointed.

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My Creations, Press and Features

Holiday Feature!

Picture 12Picture 11My earrings were recently featured in a holiday gift guide on the oh-so-lovely Miss Alisa Burke's beautiful blog!  I am always so honored when someone gives a shout out, and it is this kind of support that is making my little business successful!  Be sure to check out her blog, there's some really lovely creations and some great DIY craft ideas!  Hope you're all having a great's wet and cold here and I'm taking a much-needed few days off;)  XO.

Press and Features

Inspiring Blog Feature

"I believe in investing in the livelihoods of local artists and here is why" -Socheat Sao

I was recently featured on my friend Socheat's photo blog.  Socheat is an amazing photographer with a unique eye and style.  The photos of yours truly are part of a series she's working on, creating portraits of people doing what they love for a living.  Definitely something I can get behind;)  I am so honored and humbled by her images and words.  Check it out here.