Snow Days


A little while back we had unusually cold weather and snow for a couple of days.  Growing up here on the coast it hardly ever snowed, so when it did it was a cause for excitement.  I've carried that childlike love of snow with me into adulthood, and I saw it in my neighbors and friends for those couple of days.  People were sledding down hills, building snow men,  and cross country skiing through the middle of town. 

Justin and I ventured out into the swirling white-out to find our town, beach, and home totally transformed into a winter wonderland.  It was so beautiful and made me wish that it snowed here more often.  I'm sure those who were stuck in traffic, accidents, and the general melee that the unexpected weather caused would disagree, but we had a great time;)  And of course I took a million photos! 

Enjoy, and stay tuned for some exciting news in the near future!




Pacific City/Cascade Head


I recently met up with my dear friend Kate in Pacific City for a night.  I'm just beginning to explore Pacific City and the surrounding area and I'm kind of smitten already.  It's a unique section of coastline that feels dramatically different from where I live, even though it's only a little over an hour away. 

Kate is one of my favorite people in the world and we don't get to see each other very often so we had a great time catching up.  We took a walk on the beach, had lunch and a beer at the Pelican Brewery, and went for an amazing hike out at Cascade Head (which is astonishingly beautiful).  It was a short but perfect trip, and I'm looking forward to many surf/camping trips there this summer.

Happy Tuesday folks! 



An Update in Photos


Sometimes that strange thing happens where the days all meld together, and it's hard to remember exactly how you've been spending your time.  My days recently have been full of many things, including but not limited to:

LOTS of yoga!  I've started going to classes again and couldn't be happier about it.  On a related note, I've really been enjoying reading my long-time friend Johanna's musings on yoga, meditation and mindfulness.  Inspiring to say the least.  And if you live in Portland you should go to her classes!

Jewelry-making and all things work-related.  I'm having a SALE in my shop, so check it out if you haven't!  I'm also having a sale at Found in Cannon Beach, now through Presidents Day, so stop by and check out all of the amazing things they have there.

Fishing adventures with my sweetheart, who is rediscovering his childhood love affair with the pastime.  I'm just learning, and although I haven't caught much yet, I love the time spent out along rivers and creeks.

Hikes with friends (and their little ones:) and generally getting out to enjoy the amazing weather we (were) having.  I've been feeling a lot better physically lately, which has allowed for more active adventures.  I am so grateful for that.

I hope you're all having a great weekend (and enjoying the snow!  Photos of that to come soon:)


Colorado Getaway


Hi Folks,

It's been awhile since I've checked in, so I figured it was time for a quick post!   I just got back from a fantastic weekend in Colorado with college friends.  We rented a beautiful house and spent time in the snow and sunshine, hot tubbing, drinking CO beers, catching up and relaxing.  

It was great to see so many dear friends that I hadn't seen in a long time, and nice to get away from work for a moment.  I came back re-invigorated and excited about some new ideas for work and life that I'm sure I will be sharing with you soon.

I didn't have much time or motivation to take photos, but here are a few quick snapshots I took with my phone.  Hope your January is going well!

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The Golden State

Right after the holidays we went down to California to spend a few days with Justin's dad and his wife.  They have an amazing piece of property in the Sierra foothills outside of Sacramento with horses, chickens, sheep and some sweet doggies.  It was great to spend more time with them and we ate delicious food, watched movies, drank wine, and went on some beautiful hikes.  The landscape there is so different from our home, and really lovely.

Happy Sunday everyone!
