As always I'm working to keep up with our travels here on the blog, and next up is our visit to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon! At almost exactly this same time last year we were down in the Grand Canyon, on an amazing 3 week raft trip down the Colorado River. It was an inspiring, magical, challenging, beautiful time (you can see photos of that trip here and here).
When we went on that trip last year I had never even been to the rim of the Grand Canyon, so it felt pretty special to visit it on this trip. Looking down into the canyon from above, I remembered that wild time in that wild place, and I thought about all of the souls currently down there experiencing the same thing I had. We watched the sun set and rise over the canyon, and visited a couple of the historic lodges as well as the Watchtower (pictured here) which was magical in it's own right!
So, that was the Grand Canyon (in a nutshell)! We're currently in Sedona and are enjoying a few days of camping, hiking, canyon scrambling and oasis-swimming here. I haven't busted out the camera much in the last couple of days, which actually feels quite nice (to just be in the moment instead of trying to capture it). But don't worry, there will certainly be more photos to come:)