"In the depths of winter I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer."
-Albert Camus
Every winter it surprises me how quickly we arrive at the shortest day of the year. It seems like summer was only yesterday, and suddenly we've turned the corner and winter is already waning, the days getting longer and the light returning. My mind drifts to summer days, to green grass, and warm sun on bare skin. There is something soothing and beautiful about the changing of the seasons to me. The patterns, the consistency, the looking-forward-to-something-ness of it all.
This time of year also reminds me to embrace the things that we often try to avoid or ignore: those darker parts of ourselves we wish weren't there, the painful, challenging parts of life, and the quiet contemplative times that are so hard to find these days. The changing of the seasons reminds me that nothing is constant. That life is full of ups and downs, of deep struggles and of even deeper joy. For me there is great comfort in this idea, to know that everything, good or bad, will eventually pass.
I hope that this new season brings you the deepest joy, and that you have much to be grateful for. Happy holidays, and best wishes for 2015!