This weekend Justin and I attended the first annual Descend on Bend van gathering! Organized mostly through Instagram, 45+ people, in 20 or so vans (mostly VW Vanagons) came together in the desert of Eastern Oregon. Most of us didn't know each other beforehand, but it didn't take long to change that. It was so fun to spend time with like-minded folks, and to talk about travel, outdoor adventure, vans, and the simplicity that comes with traveling/living in your vehicle. There were lots of little kids running around, dogs, bonfires, delicious food, and so many fantastic conversations.
After the weekend was over a few of us extended the adventure, driving down some crazy backroads to a second campsite where we hiked into a hot springs in the dark, cooked chili over the fire in a dutch oven, and fly-fished a gorgeous little stream in the morning (followed by a skinny dip in said creek).
It was an amazing weekend and we left feeling inspired, motivated, and excited about future adventures and plans.
And now, back to work;) Enjoy the photos y'all!