You know how sometimes when it rains it pours? That if you have a little bit of something pretty soon you'll have a lot more of the same, all at once? Well these days the universe has been raining big changes in my life. Things are shifting, moving, happening; exciting, wonderful things that make me want to jump up and down and holler happily.
The Photographer and I have recently decided to co-habitate and I couldn't be more excited about this move and everything that it brings! Consequentially a lot of my time lately has been taken up by the process of moving; purging closets and overflowing drawers, lugging boxes to and fro, rearranging and organizing.
There is (almost) nothing I love more than nesting and making spaces. Our new home is a lovely little 13-sided, dome-shaped cocoon of a dwelling and I am so excited to make it into an amazing, warm, inspiring little world in which to create and live.
I have also had a lot of exciting developments in the world of Roots & Wings Jewelry this summer! I am currently in the process of filling some larger wholesale orders for new shops who will be carrying my work, preparing for a photo shoot, maintaining my Etsy shop, and thinking deeply about the prospect of quitting my day job sometime in the foreseeable future (just to name a few things).
While all of this is the dream I have been working towards-to make a living and a successful business doing something I love-I sometimes have a hard time believing it's actually becoming a reality. My plate is immensely full and overflowing, a state that is usually followed closely by feelings of stress and worry. This time around though, perhaps because I am so excited about it all, I have been able to (on most days) keep those emotions at bay and focus on my giddy joy and enthusiasm for the everything to come.
I look forward to sharing more with you very soon, and until then I hope you're enjoying all of the deliciousness that summer brings with her. I'll leave you with some of the literal summer deliciousness in my kitchen today-homemade fermented dill pickles! Yum!