Hiking Adventures

While my friends were visiting we went on a few hikes and checked out some of the iconic locations along our coast.  It's always refreshing to see your home through someone else's eyes, and to have an excuse to visit the places that we often think of as "touristy," but which in fact are really wonderful (even if they are touristy:).  Here are a few shots from some beautiful places along the coast. 

In other news, exciting life things are happening over here, and I'll hopefully find the time soon to share on the blog!

Fourth of July!

4th of July was my favorite holiday when I was a kid.  The fireworks!  The bonfires!  The beach!  The friends to run around with on said beach!  Amazingly, I've spent the majority of my Fourth of Julys celebrating on that same beach, with those same friends for the last 30 years, which is certainly something to be celebrated.  This year some of my dearest college friends were visiting, and it was great to share these long-held traditions with them, and to get silly on the beach together.  Happy birthday America, I've been very proud recently to be one of yours!

Summer Dreaming

Last week we spent an evening on the beach celebrating a dear friends birthday.  It was one of those calm, balmy nights, the light fading into a magical glow as the sun set over the ocean.  We played croquet, drank beers, and enjoyed a potluck and bonfire.  It was a quintessential summer evening with friends, and something I hope to do more of this season
P.S. the Summer Solstice SALE is happening in my Etsy shop still, 20% off everything through 6/7/15.  Get on over there ASAP!


Big SW Roadtrip - Pt. 16 - The Final Leg

The last portion of our trip was spent fishing in Idaho, enjoying hot springs along the Oregon/Idaho border, and venturing back into our home state.  We spent some time in the  Malheur National Forest in Eastern Oregon (which is stunning!) and stayed with friends in John Day for a couple of nights (who helped us on our first successful morel hunt!).  

What a glorious, joy-filled, memorable adventure this was.  Thanks for following along with the photos and stories, I'd like to hope that I inspired you to go out and have an adventure of your own (even if it's in your backyard!).  

I found myself taking fewer photos towards the end of the trip, as if I was even more in the moment and didn't feel the need to document all of it.  Plus we'd seen SO many beautiful sights, and as silly as this sounds, what's one more?:)  So these photos are from the last few places we visited in western Idaho and Eastern Oregon, all bundled together into one post.

After this we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming, with some new jewelry designs, an upcoming Solstice Sale, and a potential Giveaway! (as well as mini-adventures and glorious summer on the Oregon Coast).

Happy (almost) summer solstice, and be well.  XOXO.


Big SW Roadtrip - Pt. 15 - Victor, Idaho (and surrounding areas)

We spent a few days visiting my college friend Molly and her husband in Victor, Idaho.  They have an envy inducing piece of land at the base of the Tetons, over run with chickens, cats, dogs and a beautiful veggie garden.  We had a great time catching up over good food and enjoying the luxuries of modern life (hot showers!  internet!).  They took us on an overnight float trip/fishing adventure down the S. Fork of the Snake River which was one of the highlights of our trip, and we spent a few nights camping in the nearby Swan Valley area.  Overall it was a great part of the trip, and an area that I can't wait to get back to.
